Livermore City Council 11/25/2019
CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 25, 2019 ________________________________________________________________ CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER - The Closed Session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor John Marchand at 6:00 pm, in the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, California. ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor John Marchand, Vice Mayor Robert W. Carling, and Council Members Bob Coomber, Trish Munro, and Bob Woerner. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING CLOSED SESSION ITEMS. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 1. Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel. To meet with the City Attorney pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4) to discuss whether to initiate litigation. (Two cases) 2. Conference with Real Property Negotiator. To meet with Paul Spence and Steve Stewart, the City's negotiators pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, regarding the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property at Assessor's Parcel Numbers 098-0289-020-00, 098-0289-002-01, 098-0289-019-00, 098-0289-018-00, 098-0289-021-00. The City negotiators may negotiate with Lisa Tromovitch on behalf of the Shakespeare's Associates, Inc., a California non-profit corporation. The instructions will concern price and terms of payment in further of the exclusive negotiation rights agreement first authorized by the City Council on June 11, 2018. 3. Conference with Real Property Negotiator. To meet with Paul Spence and Steve Stewart, the City's negotiators pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, regarding the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property at Assessor's Parcel Numbers 098-0289-020-00, 098-0289-002-01, 098-0289-019-00, 098-0289-018-00, 098-0289-021-00. The City negotiators may negotiate with Alan Burhan and Monya Lane on behalf of the Livermore Science and Society Center, a California non-profit corporation. The instructions will concern price and terms of payment in further of the exclusive negotiation rights agreement first authorized by the City Council on June 11, 2018. ________________________________________________________________ REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor John Marchand at 7:02 pm, in the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, California. 1.01 ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor John Marchand, Vice Mayor Robert W. Carling and Council Members Bob Coomber, Trish Munro, and Bob Woerner. 1.02 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1.03 REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Jason Alcala reported that in an effort to avoid litigation, the City Council authorized the following: 1) The City Manager is authorized to take all actions necessary by the City to implement, administer, and enforce the agreement between the City and D.L. Falk Construction Inc. for construction of the Livermore Civic Center Meeting Hall, Project No. 2004-39, that he finds necessary in his discretion to deliver the project, up to and including delivering a notice of default termination; 2) The City Manager is authorized to execute a seventh amendment to the agreement between the City and Perkins Eastman Architects, DPC for construction administration of the Livermore Civic Center project in an amount not to exceed $100,000; and 3) The City Attorney is authorized to retain legal counsel and expert witnesses in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for pre-litigation and litigation purposes. 2. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 2.01 Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center Annual Update presented by Executive Director Scott Kenison. Executive Director Scott Kenison presented the update. 2.02 Airport Commission Annual Update. Airport Commission Chairperson Alex Shezifi presented the update. 2.03 Confirmation of advisory body appointments and administration of oath of office to new members. Commission for the Arts Cathleen deOrnelas to an unexpired term ending January 1, 2023 Livermore Area Youth Advisory Commission Minhnha Kawamura to an unexpired/regular youth term ending September 1, 2022 Arthur Mola to an unexpired youth term ending September 1, 2021 Tambra Mola to an unexpired/regular adult term ending September 1, 2021 Sian Salazar to an unexpired youth term ending September 1, 2021 Ajaib Sidhu to an unexpired term ending September 1, 2021 ON THE MOTION OF VM CARLING, SECONDED BY CM WOERNER AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL CONFIRMED THE APPOINTMENTS. City Clerk Sarah Bunting administered the oath of office to Minhnha Kawamura, Arthur Mola, Tambra Mola, and Sian Salazar. 3. Greg Scott spoke regarding issues relating to homelessness in Livermore. Dave Wetmore, Livermore, spoke regarding the 2019 and 2020 Little League Intermediate World Series events in Livermore. Matt Alexander, Livermore, supported short-term rentals in Livermore and spoke regarding his experience renting through Airbnb. Mary Perner, Tri-Valley CAREs, announced a community fundraiser for Tri-Valley CAREs. Katie Das, Livermore, supported short-term rentals in Livermore and spoke regarding her experience renting through Airbnb. Amanda Fornwall supported short-term rentals in Livermore and spoke regarding her experience renting through Airbnb. Allie Felker, Livermore, supported short-term rentals in Livermore. Karl Wente supported good government and spoke regarding a variety of topics. Sean L., Livermore, supported short-term rentals in Livermore and spoke regarding his experience renting through Airbnb. 4. In response to questions by Mayor Marchand regarding Item 4.05, Community Development Director Paul Spence clarified that the contract had been for demolition of the building and preparation of the site. In response to questions by Mayor Marchand regarding Item 4.09, Public Works Director Scott Lanphier said the item would include an online hub for better accessibility with process diagrams, yard-piping plans, alarms, equipment information, and forms and checklists in addition to the standard operating procedures. Item 4.01 Karl Wente spoke in celebration of open government and supported the efforts of City staff. Item 4.02 Greg Scott supported incorporating Assembly Bill 2176 into Livermore's municipal code to help with homelessness and housing. Item 4.07 Jannell Gladen and Paula Campbell, Flavors Addict Kids Livermore, read a statement on behalf of Kristie Wang supporting Item 4.07. Item 4.07 Joanne Morrison, Livermore, comments were read into the record on behalf of Ms. Morrison in support of Item 4.07. Item 4.13 Greg Scott suggested involving the homeless population in the process of sorting waste materials. In response to questions by VM Carling regarding Assembly Bill 2176, City Attorney Jason Alcala said he believed that the bill was specific to the City of San Jose. The City Council noted that Ordinance No. 2088 could not have been adopted without the collaborative efforts of the community. ON THE MOTION OF CM MUNRO, SECONDED BY CM COOMBER, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED THE CONSENT CALENDAR. 4.01 Approval of draft minutes - September 23, 2019 regular and special meetings, October 14, 2019 regular meeting, and October 21, 2019 special meeting closed session. 4.02 Adoption of Ordinance No. 2090 amending Municipal Code Title 15, Building and Construction, by adopting and amending the new 2019 editions of the California Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Residential and Green Building Standards Codes, the 2018 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, the 2019 California Fire Code. The effective date of the ordinance will be January 1, 2020. 4.03 Resolution 2019-180 accepting for permanent maintenance and releasing security bonds for the Water Reclamation Plant Rehabilitation and Process Improvements, Phase 1, Project No. 2012-13. 4.04 Resolution 2019-181 accepting for permanent maintenance and releasing security bonds for the Airport Hangars Painting, Phase 1, Project No. 2013-17. 4.05 Resolution 2019-182 accepting for permanent maintenance and releasing security bonds for the Underground Parking at Livermore & Railroad (Phase I), Demolition of 2205 Railroad Avenue (Speedee Lube), Project No. 2018-56. 4.06 Resolution 2019-183 accepting for permanent maintenance and releasing security bonds for the 2019 Traffic Signal Modifications, Project No. 2019-33. 4.07 Resolution 2019-184 acknowledging withdrawal of the referendum petition against Ordinance No. 2088, thereby allowing the ordinance to become effective for enforcement commencing January 1, 2020; and rescinding the portions of Resolution No. 2019-149 that placed Ordinance No. 2088 on the ballot for the March 3, 2020 election. 4.08 Resolution 2019-185 appropriating $750,000 in Water Resources Replacement Funds and $250,000 in Sewer Connection Fee Funds from Fiscal Year 2019-20 to Fiscal Year 2020-21; and appropriating an additional $675,000 in Water Resources Replacement Funds and an additional $225,000 in Sewer Connection Fee Funds in Fiscal Year 2020-21; authorizing execution of an agreement with Carollo Engineers, in the amount of $478,764, for engineering support services; and authorizing execution of an agreement with Auburn Constructors, LLC, in the amount of $5,541,300, for construction of the WRP Phase II Aeration Tank Modifications, Project No. 2016-18. 4.09 Resolution 2019-186 authorizing execution of an agreement with HDR Engineering Inc., in an amount not to exceed $674,735, for preparation of the Livermore Water Reclamation Plant Operations and Maintenance Manual, and the Water Reclamation Plant Condition Assessment. 4.10 Resolution 2019-187 authorizing execution of an agreement with Black & Veatch Corp., in the amount of $288,801, for professional services for the Livermore Water Resources Division Sewer, Storm, and Water Pump Stations Condition Assessment. 4.11 Resolution 2019-188 authorizing execution of an agreement with Gates & Associates, Inc., in the amount of $280,000, for design and construction administration support services for the Mill Square Park/Livermorium Plaza, Project No. 2014-36. 4.12 Resolution 2019-189 appropriating $2,596,559 in unspent funds from Fiscal Year 2018-19 to Fiscal Year 2019-20 for the 2019-21 Capital Improvement Plan Budget. 4.13 Resolution 2019-190 authorizing the City Manager to notify Livermore Sanitation, Inc. to extend the Second Amended and Restated Agreement with Livermore Sanitation, Inc. for Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Compostable Materials Services for one year. 4.14 Resolution 2019-191 approving modifications to the wages and benefits of Unrepresented Executive Management Employees. 4.15 Resolution 2019-192 adopting the City of Livermore Salary Plan as of November/December 2019, in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 570.5 4.16 Resolutions 2019-193 and 2019-194 resolving that the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act have been satisfied; approving Parcel Map 10757 for recording; accepting Parcel Map 10757, except for the following, which the Council rejects at this time, reserving the right to accept the offer at a future date: First Street, Sidewalk Easement, Storm Drain Easement, Pedestrian Access Easement; authorizing execution of a subdivision improvement agreement with Livermore Multifamily Owner LLC; and approving the public improvement agreement with Livermore Multifamily Owner LLC. 4.17 Resolution 2019-195 accepting annual special tax and bond accountability reports for Fiscal Year 2018-19 for Community Facilities Districts No. 99-1 (Tri-Valley Technology Park), 2009-1 (El Charro), 2012-1 (El Charro Maintenance), 2015-1 (Brisa Maintenance), 2016-1 (Sage Maintenance), 2016-2 (Shea Properties), and 2018-1 (Auburn Grove). 4.18 Resolution 2019-196 requesting that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors consolidate the March 3, 2020 Special Municipal Election with the March 3, 2020 Statewide Presidential Primary Election and permit the Alameda County Registrar of Voters to provide services related to the conduct of the election; and agreeing to reimburse the County for the services. 5. 5.01 Hearing to consider amending Municipal Code Chapter 13.25 (Water Efficient Landscape) to be consistent with the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Public Resources Code, Title 23, Chapter 2.7 . Location: Citywide . Site Area: Not applicable . Applicant: City of Livermore . Application Number: Municipal Code Amendment (MUNI) 19-002 . Public Improvements: Not applicable . Zoning: Various . General Plan: Various . Historic Status: Not applicable . CEQA: Exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Categorical Exemption Section 15307 Actions by Regulatory Agencies for the Protection of Natural Resources. Recommendation: The Planning Commission and staff recommended the City Council introduce an ordinance certifying the environmental document and approving Municipal Code Amendment (MUNI) 19-002. Special Projects Coordinator Susan Frost presented the staff report. Mayor Marchand opened the public hearing. Greg Scott expressed concerns regarding water supply, opposed lawns due to high water usage and drawing from the Delta; and supported promoting indigenous plants and pollinators. There were no additional speakers and the hearing was closed. In response to questions by Mayor Marchand regarding reducing high water use plants such as lawns in medians and parking strips, Ms. Frost clarified that the ordinance would apply to new landscaping. VM Carling expressed appreciation to the Planning Commission for their work on the item, noting Commissioner Stein's comments regarding unintended consequences of asking people to continue reducing water to the point where it became impossible. In response to questions by VM Carling regarding Mr. Scott's suggestion to support pollinators, Ms. Frost said the recommendation was based on State law and did include native species; she was not aware of a specific category for pollinators. CM Munro noted the relation of the ecology between pesticides, pollinators, water, and plants, saying the item addressed part of the overall issue. Community Development Director Paul Spence said it was holistically better for the environment when water was reduced. Mayor Marchand spoke regarding the relationship of water and cost, saying that the cost of infrastructure was still the same even when water was being conserved. ON THE MOTION OF VM CARLING, SECONDED BY CM MUNRO AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL INTRODUCED THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE: Ordinance introduced amending Municipal Code Chapter 13.25, Water Efficient Landscape. 6. 6.01 Appointment of Council Members to the City Council Subcommittee on Advisory Bodies for the period of January 1 - June 30, 2020. Recommendation: Staff recommended the Mayor appoint two Council Members to serve on the City Council Subcommittee on Advisory Bodies for the period of January 1 - June 30, 2020. Mayor Marchand invited public comment. There were no speakers. MAYOR MARCHAND APPOINTED CM MUNRO AND CM COOMBER TO THE CITY COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE ON ADVISORY BODY APPOINTMENTS FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1 - JUNE 30, 2020. 6.02 Discussion and direction regarding the Asset Management Program. Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council receive an update of the Asset Management Program and: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with MIG, Inc., in the amount of $170,000, for the Asset Management Public Outreach Campaign; and 2. Adopt a resolution amending the Community Asset Management Program Committee Rules of Procedure. Public Works Director Scott Lanphier introduced the item. Management Analyst II Debbie Bell presented the staff report. Mayor Marchand invited public comment. Gina Bonanno, Livermore, spoke regarding her work on the Community Asset Management Program (CAMP) committee and supported the City's efforts regarding infrastructure and asset management. VM Carling said it was important for the messaging to highlight that residents were the owners of the City's assets. He cautioned staff to choose words appropriately to make sure that the topic was clearly understood as a collaborative community effort to maintain assets for all. CM Munro said that infrastructure and assets were comparable to the human body; without working infrastructure, a city would be unhealthy. She supported CAMP's efforts and further community outreach. She expressed support for having representation from across the community on the updated CAMP committee. CM Woerner agreed with VM Carling's comments and spoke regarding the rosy tone of the messaging. He said the focus should be on making realistic budget choices to implement and maintain what the community valued. Mayor Marchand spoke regarding the consequences of failed infrastructure and the high cost of maintaining infrastructure such as stormwater. CM Munro encouraged the community to get involved on the topic to ensure the ongoing health of Livermore. ON THE MOTION OF CM MUNRO, SECONDED BY CM WOERNER AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS: Resolution 2019-197 authorizing execution of an agreement with MIG, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $170,000, for an asset management public outreach campaign. Resolution 2019-198 amending the Community Asset Management Program committee Rules of Procedure. 6.03 Discussion and direction regarding appropriation of funding to initiate an infrastructure financing district for the Trevarno Road Neighborhood. Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council: 1. Provide direction on forming an infrastructure financing district to replace the sewer and water systems that serve the properties along Trevarno Road; and 2. If directed to proceed with the financing district, adopt a resolution appropriating $150,000 in the General Fund for Capital Improvement Project No. 2019-60. Assistant City Engineer Bob Vinn presented the staff report. In response to questions by the City Council, City Manager Marc Roberts said staff did not anticipate a water capacity expansion and less water might be used if the system were improved. The City Council discussed the possibility of asking property owners to agree to fund the report estimated to cost $75,000 as an indication of their seriousness in supporting the infrastructure financing district. Mayor Marchand invited public comment. Dan Donovan, Livermore, said he lived on Trevarno Road; in response to questions by the City Council, he suggested rescheduling the item to a different meeting if more information was needed from homeowners. There were no more speakers. CM Munro noted the importance of learning from the situation along Trevarno Road and using this as example of what not to do. ON THE MOTION OF CM WOERNER, SECONDED BY VM CARLING AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL DIRECTED STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE STUDY FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT AND ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2019-199 directing preliminary work and authorizing appropriation of funds for Trevarno Road Infrastructure Financing District. THE CITY COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 9:15-9:21 PM. 6.04 Discussion and direction regarding storm water management. Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council direct staff to explore alternative storm water management approaches and service levels, discuss with Zone 7 and Livermore Area Recreation and Park District opportunities to regionalize stream and flood control channel management, and evaluate new sources of revenue for the storm water management program. Public Works Director Scott Lanphier introduced the item. Management Analyst II Anthony Smith presented the staff report. In response to questions by CM Woerner, Mr. Smith said the impact per parcel going to the full-service level would depend upon how the City chose to fund the program and how the cost would be allocated to commercial and residential parcels. City Manager Marc Roberts confirmed that staff was requesting to do more exploration of various funding methods. In response to questions from CM Woerner, Mr. Roberts clarified that if the City didn't move forward with the item, the impact could be flooding, private property damage, public property and assets impacted, and fines related to regulatory compliance. CM Woerner favored exploration of what would be needed to avoid issues and what would be needed to provide actual levels of service and how that matched to funding levels. In response to CM Woerner, Mr. Roberts suggested bringing related assets up to a certain standard and then having the flood control district be responsible for maintenance of the streams going forward. In response to questions by CM Munro regarding the financial outlook slide, Mr. Smith clarified that staff's estimates represented ongoing costs. In response to questions by Mayor Marchand, Mr. Smith confirmed that a Stormwater System Enterprise fund did exist and staff recommended transferring all applicable costs to that fund instead of allocating them elsewhere in the budget in order to accurately reflect the funding and expenses. In response to questions by CM Munro regarding timing, Mr. Lanphier said the first year of the multi-year process would be spent on public outreach. Mayor Marchand invited public comment. Greg Scott expressed concerns regarding heavy flooding and the need to look beyond 100-year flooding datasets. ON THE MOTION OF CM MUNRO, SECONDED BY CM WOERNER AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL DIRECTED STAFF TO EXPLORE ALTERNATIVE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT APPROACHES AND SERVICE LEVELS, DISCUSS WITH ZONE 7 AND LIVERMORE AREA RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES TO REGIONALIZE STREAM AND FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL MANAGEMENT, AND EVALUATE NEW SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR THE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 6.05 Resolution approving an amended employment contract for the City Manager. Recommendation: Mayor Marchand recommended the City Council adopt the resolution. Mayor Marchand presented the item and invited public comment. There were no speakers. ON THE MOTION OF CM WOERNER, SECONDED BY VM CARLING AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY CUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2019-200 approving the 2019 amendment to the employment contract with the City Manager. 6.06 Resolution approving an amended employment contract for the City Attorney. Recommendation: Mayor Marchand recommended the City Council adopt the resolution. Mayor Marchand presented the item and invited public comment. There were no speakers. ON THE MOTION OF CM MUNRO, SECONDED BY CM COOMBER AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2019-201 approving the 2019 amendment to the employment contract with the City Attorney. 7. 7.01 Council Committee Reports and Matters Initiated by City Manager, City Attorney, Staff, and Council Members. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) CM Coomber noted his attendance at a finance policy meeting. Short-Term Rentals CM Munro suggested a community forum on short-term rentals. In response to CM Woerner, Marc Roberts, City Manager, stated this item would return to City Council in February 2020. CM Woerner supported moving forward with a sense of urgency while taking note of public comment from people who wanted to do short-term rentals. He also noted that problems seemed to increase when the owner was not home or the property was used as a one-night rental. CM Munro reported attendance at the water efficient landscape ordinance (WELO) update and supported including water efficient landscaping in the Climate Action Plan. #Census2020 CM Munro encouraged the community to volunteer with the upcoming 2020 census and to be counted. One-Year Anniversary CM Munro spoke regarding the upcoming anniversary of her first year on the City Council, sharing her thoughts on the past, present, and future. Distribution Centers City Council directed staff to see whether any changes in the City's industrial district regulations are appropriate for future distribution centers like Amazon. Altamont Landfill Open Space Committee CM Woerner noted his attendance at the November 15, 2019 meeting. Tri-Valley Wheels CM Woerner noted his attendance at the November 4, 2019 meeting. Livermore Cultural Arts Council CM Woerner noted his attendance at a meeting. Hotel Letter City Council directed staff to place an item on the January 13, 2020 agenda to discuss the status of the letter sent to Joan Seppala and her associates and any response received. City Council Chambers Parking City Council directed staff to work with Jim Schmidt and others who have requested future use of the facility, to ensure that the design of the restrooms are set up so the rotating overnight parking could still be accommodated. Cut-Through Traffic City Council directed staff to provide information regarding whether cut-through traffic is being discouraged successfully or if there is more that can be done. Mendenhall Emergency Operations Center Dedication VM Carling noted the attendance of several Council Members at the dedication ceremony. Alameda County Food Bank VM Carling said he participated in a ride along on November 7, 2019 to pick up and distribute food. He noted that since the change in the presidency, the number of Latino participants in the program had dropped, likely due to concerns about government administration changes in Washington and the fear of immigration status inquiries/arrests. VM Carling said he attended meetings on November 14th and November 20th. The board requested he bring back information from City Council regarding their vision for reusable foodware. City Council directed staff to add an item to the January 13th City Council Meeting regarding priorities, Countywide or Citywide, to adopt related to reusable foodware. Specifically he would like to discuss uses for dine-in restuarants; single use (fast food), food containers that are BPI compostable, and that other accessories only be provided on-demand. Diwali Festival of Lights at the Bankhead VM Carling noted his attendance on November 16th. East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) VM Carling said he attended the meeting on November 20, 2019 on behalf of CM Munro, noting that the cities of Union City, Tracy, and Pleasanton were now participating in EBCE. Livermore Police Department Volunteer Recognition VM Carling and Mayor Marchand attended the appreciation event on November 21st. 150th Anniversary of Livermore's Founding Mayor Marchand noted his attendance on November 2nd. Solar Panel Installation Celebration Mayor Marchand noted his attendance on November 12th at the Bankhead Theatre. Alameda County Mayor's Conference; Mayor Marchand noted his attendance on November 13th where he received an update regarding the new A's stadium. American Legion 100th Anniversary Celebration Mayor Marchand noted his attendance on November 16th. Innovation Tri-Valley Mayor Marchand noted his participation in the Visioning Summit on November 18th. "Flying Kites" Sculpture Dedication Mayor Marchand noted his attendance on November 19th in front of 1016 South Livermore Avenue. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) CM Woerner noted his attendance at the board meeting. CityServe TriValley Mayor Marchand noted his attendance at the November 25th prayer breakfast. Giving Tree Mayor Marchand encouraged the community to participate in the Livermore Police Department's giving tree. Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center (LVPAC) Mayor Marchand asked Council Member Bob Woerner to report on attendance. Council Member Woerner said he was invited to attend after they adjourned their board meeting. MM noted that members of LVPAC spoke to Council frequently which helped create a dialogue. He proposed to write a letter to LVPAC asking why the City-appointed liaison hasn't been invited to attend a meeting and confirm they have no interest in building or operating a larger theater. 8. ADJOURNMENT - at 10:16 pm to a regular City Council meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 7:00 pm, Livermore Civic Center Meeting Hall, 1016 South Livermore Avenue, Livermore. APPROVED: JOHN P. MARCHAND, MAYOR ATTEST: SARAH BUNTING, CITY CLERK