Livermore City Council Meeting - January 14, 2019
CITY COUNCIL January 14, 2019 CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER - The Closed Session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor John Marchand at 6:00 pm, in the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, California. ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor John Marchand, Vice Mayor Robert W. Carling, and Council Members Bob Coomber, Trish Munro, and Bob Woerner. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING CLOSED SESSION ITEMS. Ron Acciaioli, Livermore, spoke regarding Closed Session No. 1, asking what was the proposed use on the site. City Attorney Jason Alcala confirmed that parking was one of the proposed uses on the site. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Real Property Negotiator. To meet with Paul Spence and Steve Stewart, the City's negotiators pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, regarding the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property at Assessor's Parcel Number 098-0282-009-00. The City negotiators may negotiate with Bordoni Ranch LLC, Green Valley Corporation, and their agents. The instructions will concern price and terms of payment. 2. Conference with Real Property Negotiator. To meet with Paul Spence and Eric Uranga, the City's negotiators pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, regarding the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property at Assessor's Parcel Number 097-0110-006-01. The City negotiators may negotiate with property owners and trustees Elizabeth A. Weight, Michael V. Conlan, and their agents. The instructions will concern price and terms of payment. 3. Conference with Real Property Negotiator. To meet with Paul Spence and Steve Stewart, the City's negotiators pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, regarding an amendment to the disposition and development agreement approved on September 10, 2018, for the sale and disposition of the real property at Assessor's Parcel Numbers 098-0289-021-00, 098-0407-029-02, 098-0289-013-11, and 098-0407-013-00. The City negotiators may negotiate with Rikesh Patel on behalf of the Presidio Companies, LLC and 2205 Railroad Avenue LLC. The instructions will concern amendments to the price and terms of payment in exchange for an amendment to the disposition and development agreement to allow for the development of a three-story hotel. 4. Conference with Real Property Negotiator. To meet with Darren Greenwood, the City's negotiator pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, regarding the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property commonly known and referred to as the Las Positas Golf Course together with the 18 hole golf course, 9 hole par 3 golf course, driving range, practice area and greens, pro shop, maintenance facility, clubhouse complex, restaurant, sports bar, banquet and catering area, kitchen, snack shack, parking area, and related amenities and facilities. The City negotiator may negotiate with Michael Sharp and Tom Bugby on behalf of CourseCo, Inc. The instructions will concern price and terms of payment. ________________________________________________________________ REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor John Marchand at 7:02 pm, in the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, California. 1.01 ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor John Marchand, Vice Mayor Robert W. Carling and Council Members Bob Coomber, Trish Munro, and Bob Woerner. 1.02 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1.03 REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Jason Alcala said there was no reportable action. 2. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 2.01 Human Services Commission Annual Update. ITEM 2.01 WAS RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 2019. 2.02 Presentation by the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District. Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District General Manager Ryan Clausnitzer presented the update. 3. Greg Scott, Livermore, spoke regarding homelessness issues in Livermore. Van Rainey, Livermore, asked the City Council to consider establishing a commission on the environment, energy, and climate change. Connie Kopps supported Mr. Scott's comments and spoke regarding her business efforts to solve issues and encourage reuse of bags. Andrew Barker said Livermore's greatest public safety concern was pedestrian safety; he suggested narrower streets and traffic lanes to improve safety. John Stein, Livermore, expressed concerns regarding potential consequences of transferring responsibility for street trees to homeowners. Karl Wente spoke regarding democracy and the process of government. 4. Item 4.04 and Item 4.06 were removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. ON THE MOTION OF CM MUNRO, SECONDED BY VM CARLING, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEMS 4.04 AND 4.06. In response to questions by Mayor Marchand and VM Carling regarding Item 4.04, Community Development Director Paul Spence confirmed features of the proposed tank and said the tank was located north of I-580. He noted that the tank had been built in the 1960s, had been repaired several times, and that a larger tank was needed to meet the community's growth. Item 4.04 Connie Kopps, Livermore, expressed concerns regarding the storage tank and requested more information on the item. Item 4.04 and Item 4.06 Karl Wente supported transparency and the process of good government. In response to questions by Mayor Marchand regarding Item 4.04, Mr. Spence said the tank had reached the end of its useful life; he confirmed that the new tank would meet seismic requirements for the area. ON THE MOTION OF VM CARLING, SECONDED BY CM COOMBER, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 4.04 AND 4.06. 4.01 Approval of draft minutes - December 10, 2018. 4.02 Resolution 2019-001 accepting for permanent maintenance and releasing of security for the 2017 Storm Damage Debris Removal, Project No. 2017-26. 4.03 Resolution 2019-002 authorizing execution of an amendment to an agreement with LEE & RO, Inc., in the amount of $335,264, for engineering services for the WRP Emergency Generator, Project No. 2015-22. 4.04 Resolution 2019-005 authorizing execution of an agreement with Paso Robles Tank, Inc., in the amount of $5,870,000, for construction of the Dalton Water Storage Tank Replacement, Project No. 2016-19. 4.05 Resolution 2019-003 amending Resolution 2018-183 to reflect the correct funding source for Tri-Valley Haven capital improvement project funding. 4.06 Resolution 2019-006 approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department Joint Powers Authority and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1974. 4.07 Resolution 2019-004 approving the City's Notice and Grievance Procedures under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and designating the Risk Manager as the ADA Coordinator. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE 6. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 6.01 Discussion and direction regarding advisory body term limits. Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council provide direction. ITEM 6.01 WAS REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. 7. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS AND MATTERS INITIATED 7.01 Council Committee Reports and Matters Initiated by City Manager, City Attorney, Staff, and Council Members. CM Coomber had no report. Livermore Cultural Arts Council (LCAC) CM Munro said she attended the January meeting. Upcoming Events CM Munro said she would be attending the League of California Cities training for new council members and attending the Tri-Valley Women's March in Pleasanton. Civic Engagement Article CM Munro spoke regarding an article from the San Francisco Chronicle on the City of Gonzales' involvement of young people in local government; she distributed copies of the article to the City Council. Environmental Commission CM Munro received consensus from the Council for information regarding the cost of an environmental commission as suggested by Mr. Rainey during Citizens Forum; City Manager Marc Roberts said staff would prepare a memorandum including background information, cost, and benefits of a commission. Traffic Safety CM Woerner received consensus from the Council for information regarding the pedestrian safety suggestions raised by Mr. Barker during Citizens Forum; Mr. Roberts said staff would prepare a memorandum. Sidewalks and Trees CM Woerner requested that Mr. Stein's comments made during Citizens Forum regarding trees be explicitly addressed when the sidewalk issue returned to the City Council. Community Monitor Committee (CMC) VM Carling said he attended the meeting on January 9, 2019. VM Carling said he attended the January meeting. Human Services Commission (HSC) VM Carling said he and CM Munro attended the meeting on January 8, 2019 where homelessness issues were discussed. Ride Along VM Carling said on December 17, 2018 he participated in a ride-along with the City Manager and two officers from the Livermore Police Department homeless liaison team. He complimented Officer Ishmael and Officer Martin for their compassion and efforts to help the homeless population. Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Alliance Meeting Mayor Marchand said he attended the meeting on January 9, 2019, where there was a presentation on broadband and fiber technologies. Alameda County Mayors Conference Mayor Marchand said he attended the meeting on January 9, 2019 where there was discussion on the CASA Compact (The Committee to House the Bay Area). Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) Mayor Marchand said he attended the meeting on January 10, 2019. MathCounts Awards Program Mayor Marchand said he attended the awards ceremony for the middle school mathematics competition on January 12, 2019. Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) Mayor Marchand said he attended the I-580 Express Lanes Policy Committee and Planning, Policy and Legislation Committee meetings on January 14, 2019. He said there were reports on the express lane statistics and discussion regarding traffic safety. Office of Innovation and Economic Development Director Mayor Marchand introduced Adam Van de Water, the City's new Director of Innovation and Economic Development. 8. ADJOURNMENT - at 8:05 pm to a regular City Council meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 7:00 pm, Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore. APPROVED: JOHN P. MARCHAND, MAYOR ATTEST: SARAH BUNTING, CITY CLERK