Zone 7 Meeting - October 7, 2020
Roll Call and Report Out of Closed Session PPWTP Upgrades and Ozonation Project Quarterly Progress Presentation Living Arroyos Program 2019-2020 Annual Report and Outlook for 2020-2021 Pesentation Items for Future Agenda-Directors
ZONE 7 Meeting MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ZONE 7 ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING October 7, 2020 The following were present: DIRECTORS: SANDY FIGUERS DENNIS GAMBS LAURENE GREEN SARAH PALMER ANGELA RAMIREZ HOLMES OLIVIA SANWONG MICHELLE SMITH MCDONALD DIRECTORS ABSENT: NONE ZONE 7 STAFF: VALERIE PRYOR, GENERAL MANAGER OSBORN SOLITEI, TREASURER/ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER, FINANCE COLTER ANDERSEN, PRODUCTION MANAGER JARNAIL CHAHAL, ENGINEERING MANAGER CAROL MAHONEY, INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGER MONA OLMSTED, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER TAMI CHURCH, ASSISTANT PLANNER ALEXANDRA BRADLEY, COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST DONNA FABIAN, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT COUNSEL: DAVID ALADJEM, DOWNEY BRAND Item 1 - Call Meeting to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. Item 2 - Closed Session Item 3 - Roll Call and Report Out of Closed Session Roll call was taken and all Board members were present. There was nothing to report out of Closed Session. Item 4 - Citizens Forum- none Item 5 - Director Palmer moved to approve the minutes of September 2, 2020, and Director Smith McDonald seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by a voice vote of 7-0. Item 6 - Director Ramirez Holmes requested to pull Item 6a. Director Palmer moved to approve Item 6b and Director Smith McDonald seconded the motion. Item 6b was approved by a voice vote of 7-0. Director Ramirez Holmes stated that she thinks anything that requires the Board to independently adopt a statement of overriding considerations for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), should not be on Consent. Director Ramirez Holmes asked if this item is an amendment to our existing contract with Department of Water Resources (DWR) for our water supply and if it does not include any cost provisions for any Delta Fix. Both of which Jarnail Chahal, Engineering Manager, confirmed. Director Ramirez Holmes also asked to confirm that this had nothing to do with the Delta Fix and Mr. Chahal stated that she was correct. Director Palmer commented that Delta Fix is now referred to as Delta Conveyance. Director Ramirez Holmes moved to approve Item 6a and Director Palmer seconded the motion. The item was approved by a voice vote of 7-0 Resolution No. 20-57 SWP Water Supply Contract Amendment for Water Management Resolution No. 20-58 Renewal of GIS Software License Item 7 - PPWTP Upgrades and Ozonation Project Quarterly Progress Presentation Mona Olmsted, Associate Engineer, gave a quarterly update on the construction of the Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant Upgrades and Ozonation Project. Ms. Olmsted stated that the project is on track to be completed in spring of 2022. Ms. Olmsted stated that the project is currently on schedule and approximately 50% complete, and that the budget is also under control. Director Smith McDonald asked if there were any potential delays related to COVID-19 and Valerie Pryor, General Manager, stated that we do not have any specific information, but given the COVID pandemic, we must be prepared for potential impacts. Item 8 - Living Arroyos Program 2019-2020 Annual Report and Outlook for 2020-2021 Pesentation Tami Church, Assistant Planner, gave a background on the Living Arroyos Program, summarized the highlights from 2019-2020, and provided a brief outlook for 2020-2021. Ms. Church stated that the program was initiated in 2013, it is a multi-agency partnership between Zone 7, the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasanton, and the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District (LARPD). Ms. Church added that the goals of the program are to increase opportunities for local residents of all ages to learn and engage in hands-on stewardship of natural resources close to home, increase public awareness of important watershed management issues, improve habitat and water quality of local streams while maintaining and enhancing both public safety and regional flood protection. It also provides training to local interns in water and watershed management practices as a complement to their classroom learning. Ms. Church stated that Zone 7 was nominated by the City of Livermore for a California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Awards Program. The mission of the CASQA Awards Program is to advance the stormwater quality management profession by identifying and recognizing exemplary leadership, outstanding projects, activities, and contributions to the field of stormwater quality management. The CASQA Awards Committee notified the City of Livermore that the Adopt A Creek Spot Program and the Living Arroyos Program were chosen as winning projects for demonstrating outstanding, sustainable stormwater quality management and accomplishing true source control. As a program partner, Zone 7 received a duplicate award . Ms. Church added that the City of Dublin expressed interest in joining the program, so it will be a true Tri-Valley program. Director Ramirez Holmes thanked Ms. Church for all of her work and that it is a highlight for the Agency. Director Palmer stated that she has had some former students who worked with the Living Arroyos Program and have expressed to her how great the program is. Director Smith McDonald said that she is very excited that Dublin is on board, and that it will be exciting to work with the city. Director Green offered her congratulations and thanks. Director Gambs echoed the other board members' comments and added that it is a great program and he is also glad to see Dublin joining. Director Gambs asked about the management of the program. Ms. Church stated that as the fiscal agent, Zone 7 manages the finances of the program. LARPD is the implementing partner responsible for housing the employees and provides equipment and training to do the work. At the start of every year, all the program partners meet to come up with a list of projects that they would like the program to work on which are then compiled into an annual work plan. They continue to meet each quarter to discuss the progress and make adjustments as necessary. President Sanwong stated that she is glad we have this program and that it is great to see the award. Item 9 - Director Figuers stated that in the Water Resources Committee meeting notes there is a typo on page 3, 2nd paragraph, 3rd line from the top. It reads "a ton" of depression, but it should read "a cone" of depression. Item 10 - President Sanwong stated that Tri-Valley Television is working with Zone 7 to broadcast the Hometown Water documentary. She added that the students who put together the documentary through their Go Green Initiative did an amazing job. Director Palmer reported that she went to Sites Reservoir earlier in the day. Item 11 - Items for Future Agenda-Directors There were none. Item 12 - The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.